Resident Monks
Ven. U Tiloka Siri
Chief resident Monk
Bio summary
Sayardaw U Tilokasiri (1948 - ) was born in Pakokku town, a major Buddhist learning centre in central Myanmar. He entered monkhood at the age of 13 and attained higher ordination at the age of 20. He graduated Dhammacariya (Teacher of the Dhamma) at the age of 29.
He has developed a passion to teach Buddhism overseas since he was young. He seized his first chance to be a lecturer at Wat Tamaoh temple of Thailand in 1980, and became one of the resident monks at the temple.
Resident Monks
Ven U Siri Dhamma
Ven U Kovi Da
Ven U Awbartha
Ven U Vilasagga
All the resident monks take turn to be in charge of temple’s daily religious activities including:
- Dhamma talks
- Dhamma Teaching
- Chanting Teaching
- Manning of blessing counter
- Teaching Mediation Session
- Daily Dana (Accept food offerings)
- Editing Temple’s Newsletter
- Sunday Dhamma school
- Giving guidance to volunteers on temple cleaning to be inline with religious principles
- Giving guidance on celebrating Myanmar and local traditional festivals and events
- Temple’s day-to-day activities